Recap After Use

How did I end up here?

At the end of my first decade in Australia

2020. április 30. 15:18 - barzoj

 Well... it was the first pandemic of the century and you found me.

By now I have learnt to give up on the idea that I know what is best for me. The most transformative summer of my life has ended to give way to travel and thrill, and cancellations later on. Somehow though, you and I... we outsmarted the 2020 agenda. 

Defying the nationally prescribed social distancing measures and other statistical impossibilities, we established closeness. Isn't that what success is? Advancing despite adversity? Overcoming? Adapting? Making the most out of what you were given.

(I bury my face in my palms and quietly exhale as I whisper: fuck. me. sideways.)   I just sigh deeply as I look back on the past ten years and I'm thinking to myself, why even bother planning?

Ten years in this country.

I mean, you can't even make this (shit) up, it's that twisted. And somehow here we are, at the end making it the beginning of something new...

I don't usually trust communists, but Lenin once said "there are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen"... boy, do I know this! 

So serve me some stability will you? Can you? Otherwise I will just have to keep living these decades in weeks, and let me tell you that I have outlived a thousand cats with nine lives already... also, if you can, with a pinch of consistency on the side, thanks.




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