Recap After Use

How did I end up here?

Team Living

2020. augusztus 22. 12:26 - barzoj

Ghosts - whether living or dead, doesn't matter - only come to take; they have even less than nothing to give back.

I am surrounded by the dead and some living ghosts too. As I had been stripped back to the core as Shane said, I have at last learnt to also say no. Finally I am accessing an abundance of energy and light, not so much focusing on what the right thing is, but whatever I'm doing, I do it right. With joy.

I do have a habit of marching in and out of situations rather unconventionally. But also, what is with everybody wanting to be my friend? What would life be like for me if I had a brother?

Fun neuro-scientific fact: your brain doesn't distinguish between reality and imagination. So we all have a little piece of truth with us and of course we are all mad here too. If it is not the interactions with each other that break us, then it is the lack of them. The thing is that peace is overrated and you only notice it when it starts missing... what is it with the human condition that it's so damn hard to realise what is good for you? - and of course all of this is in retrospect. (How do you win the game?)

Okay well you can suck on it... the antonym of retrospect is prospect.

I have to find the in-between.

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